Tanishq pulls down ad after social media uproar – Is Digital India providing safe environment for creative freedom..?

Source: ET

Leading Indian and International advertising association came in support of Tanishq and urged the government to ensure a safe business enviornment, This is after the brand ‘Tanishq’ was forced to withdraw the advertisement featuring the interfaith family

Tanishq is owned by TATA one of the best known and ethical business group in India, If they have taken a decision to withdraw the ad, there must be some real pressure in the retail enviornement as they need to protect the stores from mobs and we have already seen the outrage on social media on the official handle of the brand and all the ads are now withdrawn.

Some third party channels are carrying the original Ads and here is the video for the ones who have not seen it,

Credit: Youtube.com/SatyenkBardoloi

Many leading liberal celebrities came out in support of the ad on Twitter and expressed the displeasure on culture of restricting creative freedom.

Credit: HT

As India is one of the largest internet population right now and we need to have safe enviornment for expressions for brands and creators and we need to tolerate diverse view points. This is the basic requirement for any matured society.

On wednesday four domestic advertising industry bodies consisting of Advertising Club of India, IAA came out in support of creative freedom and apealled to government and digital citizen for safe enviornment for freedom of expression.